FPSC CSS 2022 Screening Test, MPT Answer Key [Announced]

CSS MPT Answer Key

Federal Public Service Commission of Pakistan (FPSC) has conducted the screening test, named MPT for the Annual Competitive Examination CSS 2022, today i.e. 20th February 2022. CSS MPT Answer Key

As per FPSC’s original notification, students will be given a carbon copy of the answer sheet, and they can check their answers through the answer key. The Answer Key of CSS MPT will also be released on the same date, on which the test is conducted. As per the question paper, the answer key will be announced today in the evening. 

The official answer key of CSS MPT has been released by FPSC, click the link below to view the File.

Answer Key 2022


Officially, FPSC will announce the result of CSS MPT 2022 on 7th March 2022.

We have got this year’s CSS Screening Test original paper with all the 200 MCQs. You can download CSS 2022 MPT in PDF from the link below:

CSS MPT Paper 2022


Every year FPSC conducts a written Competitive Examination nationally. This year, as per the new amendment by the federal government, a screening test has been introduced. As per FPSC, this screening test is called MCQ Based Preliminary Test (MPT).

MPT is effective from CSS CE 2022 onwards. The students who wish to appear in this year’s CSS, have to pass MPT first. It is a Mandatory Qualifying Test for appearing in Main Written CSS CE 2022.

The passing criterion is 33% or 66 marks out of 200. In addition, it is pertinent to mention here that the test score is only valid for the current year i.e. 2022, and will not be counted towards overall marks determining the final merit position.

To learn more about MPT and its test pattern, you can read our post, CSS 2022, MCQ Based Preliminary Test (MPT) | CSS Screening Test



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