Prime Minister Imran Khan formally launched the TeleSchool Channel, a joint project of Pakistan Television Ltd. and Ministry of Education, in Islamabad on Monday.
Addressing the ceremony, he said country is facing unprecedented situation in the wake of Coronavirus and this initiative will help children get education who are staying at home due to closure of schools in the wake of Coronavirus.
He said this is a brilliant concept and it should continue even after the opening of schools as it will help children residing in rural areas learn.
Minister of Education Shafqat Mahmood apprised the Prime Minister that twenty million children are out of school and even many adult literates are also not able to read and write beyond their names. He suggested utilizing mobile phones for education and learning as well.
Meanwhile, the channel will be available on satellite, terrestrial and cable. The educational channel will beam programs from 8 am to 5 pm every day and will deliver content from grades 1 to 12.