Pakistan Medical Commission, PMC the successor of PMDC has successfully conducted a national MDCAT under COVID-19 SOPs today. The MDCAT has been conducted after many delays, first due to formation of new PMC then, it was postponed by Honorable High Court due to non-compliance with PMC Act. Now, as the MDCAT has been conducted, students would be waiting for the Answers Keys of MDCAT.
Previously UHS conducted the MDCAT, that was mandatory for admissions in Punjab Medical and Dental Colleges. UHS uploaded the MDCAT Answer Keys, the night test was conducted. But this year the government has formed a new organization, PMC. The PMC has conducted a National MDCAT throughout the country for the first time. And it is mandatory to appear in the MDCAT for admissions in Medical and Dental Colleges across the country.
PMC isn’t providing a carbon-copy to the students appearing in the National MDCAT. If the carbon-copy isn’t provided, there a chances no answer key for MDCAT 2020 will be announced this year. So, students are requested not to wait for the Answer Keys. If by chance PMC announces the MDCAT 2020 Answer Keys, they will be uploaded on our site. But presently there are no chances that MDCAT paper key will be announced.
The Final Result date of MDCAT 2020 has been finalized by PMC, it will be announced on 16th December 2020.
Announcement: PMC MDCAT Result 2020